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Flu Jab at Westbury Chemist

The winter flu is here. Westbury Chemist in Streatham is now offering the flu jab for customers. Stay protected this winter, and wash and sanitise your hands regularly.

Walk-In Appointments are also available from 9 am to 6 pm, Thursday to Saturday.

Book Flu Vaccinations Online

What is the flu?

Influenza is also known as the flu. The flu is a series of viruses that aggressively try to attack your immune system during the winter season. Resulting in poor health such as runny nose, temperatures, fevers and more. The flu spreads from person to person; the virus likes warm environments and uses our bodies for this during the winter.

The flu vaccine is taken to protect people and yourselves from becoming contagious. The influenza virus spreads quickly from person to person, whether from a tissue, touching door handles, or more. It’s better to get protected and prevent spreading the flu.

flu jab at westbury chemist - streatham

Symptoms of the flu

Symptoms vary from person to person. Some people can experience the symptoms a lot worse than others. Symptoms are dependent on the strength of your immune system. Below is a list of flu symptoms you can experience:

  1. Fever
  2. cough
  3. runny nose 
  4. stuffy nose
  5. body aches
  6. headaches
  7. vomiting
  8. fatigue
  9. sore throat

Reducing the risk of flu symptoms requires you to take the seasonal flu vaccine. At Westbury Chemist, we offer flu vaccinations at £29.99 per dose. To prevent flu symptoms, book your vaccination appointment today.

All you need to know about the flu and the flu jab

Free NHS flu vaccines and eligibility

Under the free NHS flu vaccination scheme, you may be eligible for a free vaccination if you fit the following criteria:

  1. If you are people aged 50 and over. This will include if you are someone who will be the age of 50 by 31st March 2022.
  2. Someone who is at higher risk with chronic health conditions.
  3. Pregnant.
  4. Under residential care (long-term).
  5. If you are ill, you are likely to put someone at risk who receives a caregiver’s allowance or care for an older or disabled person.
  6. Having close contact with someone likely to get infected (such as someone who has HIV, has undergone a transplant or is in the course of treatment for cancer, lupus, or rheumatoid arthritis).
  7. Frontline health or social care workers.

Flu jab side effects

Generally, the side effects of taking the flu vaccination are not something you need to be concerned about. The typical side effects you could experience are as follows: Below, we will provide a list of side effects and some tips that can help you through times of discomfort after taking the influenza vaccine.

  1. Vaccines against influenza are very safe. The adult flu vaccine is administered by injection into the upper arm muscle.
  2. Generally, side effects are mild and only last for a day or two, including:
  3. mildly elevated temperature
  4. or sore muscles
  5. People over 65 are more likely to develop a sore arm where the needle was inserted with the vaccine
  6. Follow these tips to relieve the discomfort:
  7. Keep moving your arm regularly
  8. If you’re in pain, take paracetamol or ibuprofen – pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding should not take ibuprofen unless a doctor recommends it

Allergic reactions to the vaccination

Once you take the vaccination for the flu, allergic reactions are usually seen pretty quickly after the shot is given. It’s rare for someone to react to the vaccination, but you can seek medical attention at the injection site (Westbury Chemist).

  1. Rarely do flu vaccines cause severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis). Anaphylaxis usually occurs within minutes of receiving the vaccine.
  2. In case of an allergic reaction, the person administering the vaccination will immediately know how to deal with it.

Children’s flu vaccine

School-aged children with eligible health conditions (including primary or secondary education) are now offered the vaccine. You should contact your local health board if you do not know whether your school-aged child has received their flu vaccine.

  1. There is no evidence that children’s nasal spray flu vaccines are unsafe or ineffective. Every year, this vaccine is given to children to help them avoid the flu.
  2. It protects them from the influenza virus. A child who contracts it can suffer from a very unpleasant illness. In addition to causing bronchitis and pneumonia, it can also cause serious health problems.
  3. Children are more susceptible to catching strains of flu and spreading the flu. Their vaccination protects those who are susceptible to flu, such as babies and the elderly.

Vaccination safety for pregnancy

Protect yourself and your baby from the flu with the flu vaccine.

If a pregnant woman gets the flu, particularly as she progresses, she risks developing complications.

Bronchitis, an infection of the lungs that can become serious and develop into pneumonia, is one of the most common complications of flu.

Influenza can cause premature or low-birthweight birth, stillbirth, or even death in babies who contract it while pregnant.

Importance of the flu vaccine for people with heart disease

It is more likely that you will suffer complications from the flu if you have heart disease. You may experience the following complications from the flu:

  • Pneumonia
  • Bronchitis
  • Lung failure
  • Heart attack
  • Death

Source: MayoClinic

Additionally, the flu can aggravate preexisting conditions such as diabetes, asthma and heart failure.

Vaccinations against the flu are recommended for people with heart disease, including heart failure, and ongoing research has been conducted. The influenza vaccination is thought to help protect people with heart disease from heart attacks, strokes, and death from cardiovascular events. Further research is needed to confirm these results.

Flu Jab Service At Westbury Chemist. Available to locals in Streatham

Westbury Chemist Streatham is now providing NHS flu jabs. Walk-in any time for an appointment or book online. Vaccinations are available from 9 am-6 pm, Thursday to Saturday.

Directions to Flu Jab Streatham Centre

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