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Experiencing Itchy Blisters with a Yellow Crust? Impetigo is a High Contagious Bacterial Skin Infection

We Can Help You Treat This!

Treat Impetigo (Bacterial Skin Infection) Under The Pharmacy First Programme By The NHS

Most people, especially kids, can get impetigo. Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes are two types of bacteria that cause it. These bacteria can enter the body through cuts, scrapes, and bug bites, causing the skin to develop red sores or blisters. These sores break open, releasing fluid, forming a yellowish crust.

However, impetigo can also appear anywhere on the body except around the nose and mouth. It’s contagious, which can spread from person to person or by touching things with bacteria on them. To prevent impetigo, wash your hands and keep things clean. If you have impetigo, we can prescribe antibiotics.

bacterial skin infection - impetigo in streatham, Westbury

Symptoms of Impetigo (Bacterial Skin Infection)

Red Sores or Blisters

The first sign of impetigo is often a red sore or small blister on the skin. These are itchy sores, sometimes occurring around the nose and mouth, but can also appear anywhere.

Fluid-Filled Blisters

Sores may develop into clear or yellowish blisters containing fluid. Blisters can rupture and release the fluid.

Honey-Coloured Crusts

Symptoms of impetigo include blisters that burst, causing honey-coloured or yellowish-brown crusts to form. These crusts are similar to dried honey or adhesive.

Itching & Irritation

Symptoms may include an itchy and uncomfortable area, as well as the spread of infection when scratched.

Enlarged Lymph Nodes

Tender and swollen lymph nodes can occur in some cases.

Remedying Impetigo (Bacterial Skin Infection)

Effectively remedying impetigo requires a combination of overall good hygiene practices and antibiotics.

Keep The Affected Area Clean

After cleaning the area gently with soap and water, pat the area dry with a clean, soft cloth.

Avoid Scratching

Keeping the impetigo sores-scratch free will prevent the infection from spreading.

Apply Antibiotic Ointment

It is possible to treat impetigo sores with over-the-counter antibiotics, such as Neosporin or Bacitracin. Follow the instructions on the product label for usage.

Use Warm Compress

The application of warm compresses to the affected area may soothe discomfort and remove crusts more effectively.

Practice Good Hygiene

Maintain clean, short nails to minimise the risk of spreading infection. Wash hands regularly with soap and water.

Avoid Close Contact

Keep distance from others who may develop impetigo complications, especially if they are at risk.

Consultations At Westbury

When an infection occurs, you should consult a healthcare professional for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Most commonly, oral or topical antibiotics are prescribed.

Complete Full Course Medication

Whenever antibiotics are prescribed, keep taking them even if symptoms start to improve before they are finished.

Separate Personal Items

Impetigo spreads easily when personal items like towels, razors, and clothing are shared.

Your Consultation Under The Pharmacy First Programme

Book a Free NHS Consultation with Westbury Chemist allows us to carefully diagnose the issue you may have. During the consultation, our healthcare professional will ask a series of questions about the issue you are facing and may result in medication to help you remedy the problem. At a time and date that is convenient to you, book your free NHS consultation today for bacterial skin infection treatment in Streatham.

Westbury Chemist, Streatham Pharmacy

How It Works With Westbury Chemist - Streatham


Book Your Free Consultation

Book your Free NHS Consultation with one of our healthcare experts. You can choose to book an appointment either online or in-clinic if you prefer. This appointment will help us diagnose your concern and symptoms.


Speak With The Pharmacist

During your appointment, you will be able to speak with the pharmacist either online or in-clinic depending on your choice of consultation. If required, the pharmacist will prescribe your medication where you can collect it in clinic. We also provide local deliveries too.


Collect Your Medication

After your consultation, if the pharmacist has provided you with a prescription, you may be able to have it delivered as a local customer or visit the clinic for your medication.

How & Where To Get Your Medication With The Pharmacy First Programme

As a result of your consultation with our pharmacist, we will be able to provide you with the treatment necessary to treat the highly contagious bacterial skin infection. Our pharmacist can usually prescribe anti-biotics that will clear up your infection, and there are also things you can do at home to prevent Impetigo from spreading.

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