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How do I get NHS Prescriptions Online?

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How do I get NHS Prescriptions Online?

order nhs prescriptions online

Aren’t you tired of going to the GP, requesting your prescription, then taking it to the pharmacy, waiting for them to dispense it, and then going home? So you may be wondering, ‘How do I get NHS prescriptions online?’ We’ll cover the different ways this is possible in this article.

You don’t need paper to order prescriptions anymore. You can now order NHS prescriptions using available mobile apps or websites.

Benefits of online prescriptions

Whilst technology rapidly develops, customers can now order their prescriptions online, saving them a lot of time in their day and not worrying about losing their paper prescriptions.

  1. Convenient

    Ordering your prescription medication online is convenient; simply use your pharmacy or prescriptions app to process and deliver your medication right on time.

  1. Fast

    Online pharmacies make it faster for you to receive your medication. This means you don’t need to wait around, make time to collect it or miss your scheduled medication. It arrives just when you need it.

  1. Accessible

    Managing your prescriptions online is incredibly simple. We wanted our customers of Westbury Chemist to have their information and prescriptions accessible, and this is why we are offering a brilliant app that does just that.

Whatsmore is that you can even manage your whole family’s prescriptions from a single account, giving you total control and a way to track everyone’s medicine. Quite handy.

Ways to order your online NHS prescriptions

There are two ways you can order your prescriptions. Let’s explore them both:
1. Using an App
2. Using a website

There are a lot of apps out there today that are approved by the NHS and are reliable. To be more accessible and available to our customers, we have our own that you can use. With our app, we can ship anywhere in the UK. So it does not matter if you are local to Streatham for Westbury Chemist or just prefer to be online.

Ordering repeat prescriptions online

Whether you have a one-off prescription or have NHS repeat prescriptions, you can still use our app to manage both. You simply need to sign up for our electronic prescription services for free, and once you’re set-up, you can start to order your medication.

Learn more about our NHS repeat prescription service

Setting up Electronic prescription services

Electronic prescription services are not as complicated as it sounds. You may already be familiar with it. EPS is when you can request your prescriptions from your GP to be sent directly to your chosen pharmacy electronically so that it is available for you to collect. 

Typically, pharmacies can fulfil your prescription request for same-day collection in just 2-5 hours. It just depends on how busy they are.

Learn more about electronic prescription services

Need An Easier Way To Manage Your Prescriptions? Download The New Westbury Chemist App

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