nhs services westbury chemist

Experiencing An Itchy Scratchy Throat? The Irritation and Pain In Your Throat Can Become an Inconvenience When You Have A Sore Throat.

We Can Help Treat It With The Pharmacy First NHS Programme.

Treatment For Your Sore Throat At Westbury Chemist

In most cases, a sore throat is a result of an infection, such as a viral or bacterial one, that causes pain, irritation, or scratchiness in the throat. The severity of symptoms can vary from mild discomfort to more severe pain, depending on the underlying cause. Infections can result from a variety of causes, such as viruses or bacteria.

Do you feel like you’ve got a Sore Throat? Book your free NHS consultation with our pharmacist. We provide consultations online or in-clinic.

free nhs consultation at westbury chemist for sore throat treatment

Symptoms of A Sore Throat

Pain and Irritation

An uncomfortable or painful feeling in the throat is the main symptom. This can range from a mild scratchy feeling to more intense pain.

Difficulty Swallowing

There is a possibility of pain or discomfort associated with swallowing.

Dry or Scratchy Sensation

Those who suffer from sore throats may experience a scratchy or dry throat.

Redness or Swelling

A light examination may reveal redness or swelling in the back of the throat.


Hoarseness or changes in voice are sometimes associated with sore throats.

How We Can Help Treat Sore Throats With The Pharmacy First Programme.

Book a Free NHS Consultation with Westbury Chemist allows us to carefully diagnose the issue you may have. During the consultation, our healthcare professional will ask a series of questions about the issue you are facing and may result in medication to help you remedy the problem. At a time and date that is convenient to you, book your free NHS consultation today for Sore Throats.

Westbury Chemist, Streatham Pharmacy

How It Works with Pharmacy First


Book Your Free Consultation

Book your Free NHS Consultation with one of our healthcare experts. You can choose to book an appointment either online or in-clinic if you prefer. This appointment will help us diagnose your concern and symptoms.


Speak With The Pharmacist

During your appointment, you will be able to speak with the pharmacist either online or in-clinic depending on your choice of consultation. If required, the pharmacist will prescribe your medication where you can collect it in clinic. We also provide local deliveries too.


Collect Your Medication

After your consultation, if the pharmacist has provided you with a prescription, you may be able to have it delivered as a local customer or visit the clinic for your medication.

How & Where To Get Your Medication

After you consult with the pharmacist, you can collect your medication from one of our participating clinics in the Westbury Group. We also provide medication deliveries for the locals of Streatham.

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