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Blood Test For Sports Athletic Performance

Get a sports blood test to identify any signs of concerns so we can help you get them sorted as soon as possible. The biomarker profiling will help monitor your fitness programme’s progress, ensuring your health is spick and span.

Maximising Performance

The first step is to stay fit and active. Learning how receptive your body is to fitness and sports activities is also essential. It is the best way to assess your fitness progress. Sports blood tests are available from Westbury Chemist, highlighting performance before, during, and after your programme.

Athletes blood test

What is a sports blood test?

A sports blood test is a test that helps athletes understand their performance and health during their training programmes. The blood test for sports performance allows trainers and athletes to understand their performance and recovery and optimise it to get it better and stronger.

Sport blood tests measure which biomarkers are present in the body

For better results, it’s essential to understand what the test will show.

Monitoring Progress

The athlete blood test profile is for those who are training and want to know more about their sports performance. Athletes take the test before their training programme begins, during and after their training is complete.

The Biomakers

Biomarkers would include Full blood count, liver and kidney function profile, iron levels, ferritin, heart and muscle enzymes, cholesterol profile, inflammation, magnesium, vitamin B12, vitamin D and testosterone.

Tracking Results

Monitoring your body’s performance over time, and flagging any anomalies that should be looked into, allows us to track your progress and see how well your exercise regime is working.

Biomarkers identified by the sports performance blood tests for athletes and its benefits

Blood Cells

A full blood count and blood group testing are included in this category. A full blood count is to check your overall health and detect diseases like infection, anaemia, and leukaemia. It is possible to receive a full blood count and blood group test in-store. Finger prick tests cannot be used to conduct full blood counts and blood group tests.

There are three types of blood cells in the human body: red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. The white blood cells control the immune system and protect the body from foreign invaders, such as bacteria and viruses. In contrast, red blood cells contain haemoglobin, which carries oxygen to the body’s tissues. For a wide range of illnesses such as anaemia and infections, FBC tests are used as screening tests.


Coronary heart disease, heart attacks, and stroke can occur when your arteries become blocked by high cholesterol levels. Knowing about high cholesterol levels, you can make the positive lifestyle and dietary changes necessary to lead a long and healthy life.

To determine a person’s risk of developing heart disease, a total cholesterol test can be used, including low-density lipoprotein and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Growth, development, and reproduction are all controlled by hormones produced by the thyroid.

A test for HDL cholesterol, which measures how much cholesterol is removed from the heart’s arteries, is used to estimate whether a person is at risk of developing heart disease.

This cholesterol buildup results in blockage of the arteries and is referred to as Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL). Heart disease risk can be estimated by LDL tests.

The HDL ratio indicates how much ‘good’ cholesterol a person has compared to total cholesterol. Using HDL ratio tests, you can determine if you are at risk for heart disease. Total cholesterol: The HDL ratio test assesses the risk of heart disease.

A triglyceride test examines the lipid profile in estimating the risk of developing heart disease and can be generated from food sources such as butter and oil.


Diagnosing gout is the first step toward managing symptoms and preventing recurrence. Gout is a very common form of arthritis that can affect anyone. Once diagnosed, there are many ways to treat it.

The kidneys remove Urate (Uric Acid) from the bloodstream and excrete it through the urine or stools. It results from the breakdown of purines from substances like DNA or eating certain foods and beverages. Urate tests can detect gout and diagnose the cause of recurring kidney stones.


Growth, metabolism, appetite, and fertility are among the functions and processes regulated by hormones. Hormone imbalances are associated with many symptoms and disorders.

During puberty, boys produce large quantities of testosterone from their testes and adrenal glands, which are stimulated and controlled by the luteinizing hormone. Testosterone is a steroid hormone produced by the male testes and adrenal glands.

The hormone testosterone plays an essential role in hair growth and muscle growth in boys during puberty. Besides regulating male sex drive, it maintains muscle mass, and females produce it from the ovaries in small amounts. Male infertility and erectile dysfunction can both be diagnosed by testosterone tests.


When you have inflammation in your body, your immune system protects you against infections from bacteria and viruses. An inflammation test can help diagnose a wide range of illnesses.

A high-sensitivity C-Reactive Protein test (hs-CRP) measures the lower levels of CRP, which are proteins that are released during inflammation. Testing for hs-CRP determines the likelihood of developing heart conditions such as angina.


Having an iron deficiency can lead to fatigue, chest pains and shortness of breath, among many other symptoms. Iron studies measure the amount of iron in the blood.

Red blood cells, which transport oxygen in the blood, muscles, bone marrow and organs, depending on iron as a mineral. It is essential to measure the iron levels in the blood to determine if there is anaemia or liver disease present. Low levels can indicate anaemia, while high levels may indicate liver disease.

Blood can carry a maximum amount of iron as its total iron binding concentration (TIBC). Iron is used for oxygen transport in the blood. In addition to diagnosing anaemia and iron overload conditions such as haemochromatosis (An inherited condition where iron levels in the body slowly build up over the years.), TIBC tests can also be used to determine iron absorption. If you also have liver disease, your TIBC will be impaired.

UIBC is used to detect iron toxicity by measuring transferrin reserve for iron transport. Transferrin transports oxygen throughout the body.

This test measures how much iron the body stores and helps diagnose anaemia and liver disease. Ferritin tests are used to measure how much iron a person has stored. Iron is used for the transport of oxygen in the blood.

A transferrin test determines iron status and can be used to diagnose anaemia. It is a glycoprotein that is produced by the liver and transports iron that transports oxygen through the blood. The total iron-binding capacity of transferrin divided by the serum iron yields the transferrin saturation.

Kidney Function

You need healthy kidney function to maintain good health and wellbeing because it helps remove waste products, releases hormones that regulate blood pressure, and controls the production of red blood cells.

Proteins contain amino acids that form urea as waste products. During the kidney’s filtering process, urea is filtered out of the blood and excreted in the urine. Urea tests can indicate whether the kidneys are functioning correctly and whether they have diseases affecting the liver and kidneys.

The kidneys excrete creatinine from the blood and urine during contraction, thus making creatinine tests helpful in assessing kidney function.

This test detects and monitors changes in kidney function by measuring glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Glomeruli are filters in the kidney that filter waste products from the blood.

Liver Function

Good liver function plays a vital role in regulating your blood sugar levels, removing toxins from your blood, fighting infections, and detoxifying your body.

Specifically, albumin is produced by the liver. The albumin test helps diagnose liver and kidney diseases as well as transports hormones and vitamins throughout the body. It keeps fluids in the bloodstream and transports substances like hormones and vitamins throughout the body.

A globulin test can be performed to diagnose conditions including liver damage or disease, kidney disease, autoimmune disorders, blood clotting disorder, and liver inflammation. Globulin is produced by the immune system and is essential in liver function, blood clotting, and fighting infections.

Among the two proteins found in the blood, the serum is albumin and globulin, which are essential for keeping fluids in the bloodstream, while globulin is crucial for immunity. Tests for total proteins are used to detect if there are problems with albumin or globulin levels.

An ALP test diagnoses liver and bone diseases associated with alkaline phosphates (ALP).

There are small amounts of ALT in the heart, kidneys, and skeletal muscle, but ALT is primarily found in the liver. When the heart, liver, kidneys, or skeletal muscles are injured, ALT is released into the bloodstream. Liver disease can be diagnosed with ALT tests.

When the heart, liver, or skeletal muscle suffers an injury, an enzyme called aspartate aminotransferase (AST) is released into the circulation. It is used to detect liver disease.

As well as the liver, gallbladder, spleen, pancreas and kidneys, Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) is also found in the liver. It is a significant enzyme involved in the liver’s metabolism of drugs. In addition to detecting liver disease and bile duct injuries, GGT tests can also detect bile duct infections.

As a measure of bilirubin in the blood, the Total Bilirubin test measures the amount of bilirubin present in the body. Bilirubin is present in bile which helps digestion. Haem used to carry oxygen throughout the body is also used to make it. Tests for total bilirubin can be used to diagnose and monitor liver disease and some types of anaemia.

Muscle and Bone Health

This enzyme can be used to diagnose and monitor muscular injury and disease, such as muscular dystrophy, as well as to determine whether there is a need to perform an exercise program.

Calcium is a mineral that is found in the bones as well as circulating in the blood. In the blood, calcium can be either free and active or bound to proteins such as albumin.

Calcium has many functions and is vital for bone formation and blood clotting. Tests for calcium are used to diagnose and monitor various conditions relating to bones, the heart, and the kidneys.

As a mineral needed for body function, calcium is an important one. This calculation calculates the amount of calcium that is free in blood based on the measurement of protein albumin. Calcium tests are used to diagnose and monitor various conditions related to bone, heart, and kidneys.


A lack of vitamins can cause many symptoms and health problems. Vitamins are necessary for our bodies to function normally, grow and develop properly.

The growth and health of bones must have enough calcium and magnesium in your system. Vitamin D is a vitamin that regulates calcium and magnesium absorption from your gut.

A person can obtain vitamin D either by ingesting food or supplements or by absorbing sunlight through their skin. Testing for vitamin D can be used to detect vitamin D deficiency and to monitor diseases such as Crohn’s disease that interfere with fat absorption.

There are several kinds of vitamin B12, including vitamin B12 tests, which are used in diagnosing anaemia due to deficiencies of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is necessary for forming red blood cells, tissue and cellular repair, and nerve function.

Why do athletes need to have blood tests?

Routine blood tests are vital for athletes who spend a large portion of their time training and working out. Blood tests help measure biomarkers of athletes that are related to their performance. Improving on these biomarkers allows athletes to a performance competitive edge.

Athletes who can do physical activity for extended periods are known as endurance athletes. Learning the position of their biomarkers allows them to know where to focus their energy to have a competitive advantage over other athletes.

Where to get sports blood tests from in Croydon?

Westbury Chemist located in the heart of Croydon, Streatham provides sports and athlete blood tests.

Your sports blood test results

We aim to get your results back to you in 24 hours. Please be patient with us sometimes, life happens we get a little delayed. See you at your appointment and travel safely!

How to improve your sports performance health based on your results (break each identifier down one by one with tips to improve)

Sometimes, the outcome of the results may not be what you expect. The purpose of the blood test is to catch onto things that could cause you potential long-term illnesses, or if something is brewing within your system, it’s better to have it caught sooner than later.

Here is a list of resources that can help you improve the biomarkers:

  1. Cholesterol: Improve your cholesterol levels
  2. Gout: Treating Gout
  3. Hormones: Boosting Testosterone Levels
  4. Inflammation: Lowering C Reactive Protein
  5. Iron: Perk up your Iron levels
  6. Kidney Function
  7. Liver Function: Healthy Liver
  8. Muscle and Bone Health
  9. Deficient to efficient Vitamin D and Vitamin B12

Blood test for sports performance: Side effects

Fortunately, there are no side effects to getting a blood test. You experience a bit of soreness at the injection site with the possibility of feeling fatigued. It’s essential to stay hydrated. The soreness at the injection site will fade after 1-2 days.

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