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Croydon Non-Surgical Aesthetics Clinic

Dermal Fillers - Aesthetics Clinic Croydon

Dermal filler treatments are available at Westbury Chemist chemist. It’s a skin filler that’s injected into the skin to fill in lines, folds, and wrinkles and add volume. It is a non-surgical aesthetic treatment. The use of injectable fillers can help correct facial irregularities, restore your skin’s balance, and enhance them with jaw, cheek, lips and chin injections.

How it works

We’ll conduct a zoom call consultation for your desired treatment. £15 per consultation.

Once you’ve had your consultation, you can then book your treatments with Westbury Chemist
Attend your appointment at Westbury Chemist aesthetics clinic for your treatment.

What are dermal fillers and how do they work?

Dermal fillers, also called lip fillers, are injectable gel-based aesthetic treatments that are injected into the skin. The gel injections are based on hyaluronic acid, which is something that is found naturally in your skin. This lubricant aids in the movement of joints and tissues. Adding volume to the lips and cheeks of the face by using these fillers helps improve facial aesthetics.

Contrary to fat-dissolving treatments and botox, dermal fillers restore the facial structure to its natural state. Note that fillers do not permanently alter your appearance, but they do last a long time. Eventually, they will wear away and in order to maintain them, you’ll need to have follow-up treatments.

Subject to the treatment area, the filler is fully absorbable within 12 to 18 months and the results are visible between 6 to 18 months.


How does the treatment work?

Dermal fillers work by revitalising and volumising your skin but utilising the hyaluronic acid already found in your skin. The treatment injections are an addition to the hyaluronic acid which helps fill wrinkles and add volume to the cheeks and lips. The treatment results in softer and natural-looking skin.

Treatable areas with cosmetic dermal fillers

Lip Filling, Lip Contour, Russian Lip Filler

Lip Filler, also referred to as lip augmentation is a non-surgical procedure that adds volume to the lips, enhancing their fullness. At Westbury Chemist we use fillers such as Revolax which is a form of hyaluronic acid.

Marionette Line Filler

In ageing people, marionette lines are a common form of facial wrinkles. These lines appear as skin wrinkles naturally with ageing. Wrinkles in this area are located just under the ends of your lips and extend towards your chin. A person may also begin experiencing wrinkles as early as their 40s, however, some may see them earlier.

Smokers Lines (Lip Lines) Filler

Smokers lines, sometimes called lip lines, are not always caused by smoking. Smokers lines can also be caused by repetitively pushing your lips outwards.

Mouth Frown Filler

When you age, you will notice that the corners of your mouth start to drop down, which is known as the mouth frown. You appear sad or upset because of the natural composition of this appearance. During the procedure, your facial expression is restored to its natural state, making you look happier.

Nasolabial Lines filler

You have these lines running from the top of your nose to the bottom of your mouth. Fillers smooth out the lines. Lines and wrinkles develop as you age due to the number of beautiful smiles that you have done and still do. These lines are also sometimes called smile lines or laugh lines, due to their tendency to appear when someone smiles.

Bunny Lines Filler

Facial expressions such as bunny lines are caused by the tendency to make certain facial expressions. When you wrinkle your nose or squint your eyes, these are visible on the sides of your nose. The creases and lines that appear on the face with age can be filled with dermal fillers. It is common for some people to leave these alone and others to feel self-conscious about them instead.

Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Filler

Rhinoplasty fillers, also referred to as nose job fillers, alter the shape of the nose temporarily. Dermal filler treatments are not permanent, as the effects are temporary. By having a rhinoplasty, bumpy noses are smoothed out and streamlined, lasting around 6 months.

Chin Filler

These fillers enhance and improve the appearance of the chin. Genetically people can have weaker chins meaning that their shape structure is weaker. The chin filler strengthens the skin and provides an overall balance to your facial profile.

Cheek Filler

The area around your cheekbones increases in volume with cheek fillers. By performing this procedure, you can provide the appearance of a defined bone structure, smoothing the lines and wrinkles on your face.

Jaw Line Filler

By injecting the jawline with fillers, baggy skin around the jaw can be reduced. During the procedure, age-related volume loss is reduced, a more oval-looking jawline is created, the asymmetry of the jawline is balanced out, and the jawline has a sharper finish.

Tear Trough Filler

Fillers for tear troughs reduce the number of indentations around the eyes. Adding volume beneath the eyelids can be achieved using this treatment.

Treatment Pricing

Treatment DosePriceDuration
1ml£150.0030 Minutes
2ml£290.0045 Minutes
Premium 1ml (2-4 years)£350.00Ask for more information

Side effects of the dermal fillers aesthetics treatment

For dermal filler treatments, there are a few side effects to be aware of when undergoing the treatment.

Common Side Effects

  1. Bruising
  2. Bleeding

These are common when undergoing anything with needles. Consider it as a blood test, there is the possibility of a little bleeding as well as bruising thereafter. The same applies in this situation too for the dermal filler treatments.

Rare Side Effects

Rarely, people can experience infections from the injections. Infections are likely to happen if you’re using an unsafe aesthetics clinic or the needles are not clean. At Westbury Chemist, we use safe procedures and high-quality fillers.

Dermal Fillers Treatment FAQ

At Westbury Chemists aesthetics clinic we use Revolax fillers. These are premium fillers with high-quality results and are safe too.

As it stands, Revolax fillers are not FDA approved, however, they are CE class 3 approved. Essentially what this means is that the product has been thoroughly checked to meet EU health and safety regulations for medical treatments. It is a safe and quality treatment to have.

Those who have a volume loss or an inadequate amount of volume on their lips can get lip filler treatment. The objective of lip fillers is to add volume to your lips and ensure that it’s in a pleasing state or a natural-looking state.
Treatments can last anywhere between 6-18 months depending on the treatments available.
  1. Immediate results
  2. The minimal risk involved
  3. Confidence booster
  4. Long-lasting results
  5. Results are not permanent, if you wanted to restore your previous look, you’re able to do so by dissolving the hyaluronic acid
  6. Minimise scars
  7. Non-surgical procedure

Our Aesthetics Clinic

Our clinic is based in the heart of Streatham. We’re local for people in London, Brixton, Streatham and Norbury.


84-90 Streatham High Rd, London SW16 1BS


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